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Version: 3.3.3

In-App purchases


In-App purchase tracking will work only in connection with Adjust/AppsFlyer. To connect them, follow this guide for Adjust and this guide for AppsFlyer.

It's possible to track in-app purchase information and send info to Appodeal servers for analytics. It allows to group users by the fact of purchasing in-apps. This will help you to adjust the ads for such users or simply turn it off, if needed. To make this setting work correctly, please submit the purchase info via the Appodeal SDK.

Step 1. Validate In-app Purchases

To track in-app purchase, Appodeal SDK will need info about purchases provided by the Google Play Billing Library

Add the following dependency into your module-level build.gradle:

buildscript {
dependencies {
// ... other project dependencies
// or

Get your Purchase and SkuDetails objects from the Google Play Billing Library using the guide. Get a price and currency from SkuDetails.

Create and validate in-app purchase using the method below:

// Purchase object is returned by Google API in onPurchasesUpdated() callback
fun validatePurchase(purchase: Purchase) {
// Create new InAppPurchase with type
val inAppPurchase: InAppPurchase = InAppPurchase.newBuilder(type = InAppPurchase.Type.InApp)
.withSku(...) // Stock keeping unit id from Google API
.withPrice(...) // Price from Stock keeping unit
.withCurrency(...) // Currency from Stock keeping unit
.withAdditionalParams(...) // Appodeal In-app event if needed
// Validate Purchase
Appodeal.validateInAppPurchase(context = context, purchase = inAppPurchase, callback = object : InAppPurchaseValidateCallback {
override fun onInAppPurchaseValidateSuccess(purchase: InAppPurchase, errors: List<ServiceError>?) {
// In-App purchase validation was validated successfully by at least one connected service
override fun onInAppPurchaseValidateFail(purchase: InAppPurchase, errors: List<ServiceError>) {
// In-App purchase validation was failed by all connected service

Please make sure if you have created in-app product in Google Play Console → Monetize section to use:

  • InAppPurchase.Type.InApp for purchase type
  • InAppPurchase.Type.Subs for subscription
purchaseTypePurchase type. Must be InAppPurchase.Type.InApp or InAppPurchase.Type.SubsAdjust/AppsFlyer
publicKeyPublic key from Google Developer ConsoleAppsFlyer
signatureTransaction signature (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed)Adjust/AppsFlyer
purchaseDataProduct purchased in JSON format (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed)AppsFlyer
purchaseTokenProduct purchased token (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed)Adjust
purchaseTimestampProduct purchased timestamp (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed)Adjust
developerPayloadProduct purchased developer payload (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed)Adjust
orderIdProduct purchased unique order id for the transaction (returned from Google API when the purchase is completed)Adjust
skuStock keeping unit id.Adjust
priceIn-app event revenue.Adjust/AppsFlyer/Appodeal
currencyIn-app event currency.Adjust/AppsFlyer/Appodeal
additionalParametersAdditional parameters of the in-app event.
In-App purchase validation runs by FIFO queue in a single thread.

If you are using your own Adjust account you need to complete Step 2 from our Event Tracking guide and create some required events on Adjust side.

Step 2. Generate Json File In Google Cloud

  1. Login to Google Cloud with your credentials;
  2. Select Google Play Console Developer project on the top left corner as shown below;

Please make sure to select Google Play Console Developer project at this step instead of your exact app project. Google Play Console only allows to link Google Play Console Developer cloud projects (later in step 3).

  1. Select Credentials → Create Credentials → select Service Account;
  2. Select Viewer as a role for Service Account and press Done;
  3. Go to your service account and press keys → Add key → choose JSON → and send us the JSON file via email or a live chat.

Step 3. Add Required Permissions In Google Play Console

  1. Go to the ** Google Play Console** and log in;

  2. Go to Google Play Console → Manage developer accounts → Choose developer account → Setup → API Access and choose your Google Play Console Developer project from step 2 where you have created your Service Account;

If you are not able to see Google Play Console Developer project in the list then please update the webpage.


If the issue persists, make sure that your Google Play developer account(email) is the owner of the Google Cloud project. You can read more here.

  1. At the bottom there will be a list of service accounts that are available in this Google Cloud project. Select the one from which the JSON was sent;

Press Refresh if you are not able to see your Service Account.

  1. Press View Play Console permissions. In the App Permissions section select the necessary applications where in-app events will be used;

  2. Go to Account Permissions section and select all Financial Data permissions:

  • View financial data
  • Manage Orders, subscriptions

Step 4. Contact Us

After all completed steps contact our support team via email or a live chat with the following information :

  1. Service account JSON file;

  2. Purchases implementation logic in your app (when and where you call validate method and validate purchases);

  3. Send us the purchase testing access through the Google Developer console to email;

  4. Your apk in a zip for testing.

Step 5. Testing

After you have contacted our Support Team and provided all the required information you can test your app to make sure purchases are validated.

  1. Please go to your App Settings → Attribution Settings → and change Adjust Environment from Production to Sandbox to be able to test validation and don't forget to press Save at the end of the page;
  1. Connect your device to your computer with the opened console (Android Studio logcat) and tag logs by purchase;
  1. Now you can open your App and make a test purchase, if you can see Valid purchase in the console, then validation went successfully;

  2. If validation has failed, then please recheck all the steps above;

  3. After testing, change your Adjust Environment to Production in App Settings → Attribution Settings.