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Accelerator FAQ

What Is The Appodeal Accelerator Program?

It is a new business accelerator for mobile game developers. We provide the necessary tools, resources and mentorship allowing you to scale your apps quickly and effectively while keeping all intellectual property rights and staying 100% independent.

  • If you qualify for Appodeal Publishing, you get access to UA funding, industry-leading tools, and a team of experts to help you with optimizing UA, engagement, LiveOps, monetization, ASO and ad creatives.

  • If you prefer to scale your app on your own, we still provide all the tools you may need: you can use our SDK and Business Intelligence tools for free to have full control over your app’s growth.

How Does It Work?

Anyone can join the program. If you already have a published app, you can apply here. You will then be contacted by the Appodeal Accelerator Program Manager.

How Much Does It Cost?

It’s free. All expenses are covered by Appodeal.

Why Do I Need To Become An Appodeal Partner?

Appodeal has 7 years of track record helping mobile developers grow their apps with our own mediation technology. We have developed a solution that allows our users to improve monetization and user acquisition as well as manage ad campaigns - all from a single dashboard. This helped their products attain maximum growth levels and get to the top of the app stores even without the help of publishers, who typically keep all the intellectual property rights for the apps. For those who need help, we are happy to offer funding and assistance from our team of experts. Over the last years we have had great success with NewPubCo and OpenMyGame studios - their apps are now on top in their categories. We would love to help you as well!

What Metrics Do You Look For In Prospective Partners?

We typically perform a comprehensive evaluation of overall potential. However, we tend to give particular attention to D1 retention, D7 retention, average session length and cost per install. We also seek to assess ARPU optimization possibilities.

I Know My Metrics Already, Do I Still Need To Make A Soft Launch?

We prefer to confirm the app's metrics via a soft launch campaign. If you know the metrics, provide them in the application form. If your metrics appear to be below the necessary level, but you have been making changes or plan to continue working on the product, you can make a soft launch together with us and re-check the metrics. If you are growing the app on your own (using the self-service option), you can choose the acquisition strategy yourself, however, we would recommend making a soft launch for project evaluation using our platform.

How Is It Different From Working With A Publisher?

We seek to provide developers with all the necessary resources and knowledge to empower them to grow their apps on their own. It doesn't matter if you make it to the Appodeal Publishing stage or not, you will still have all analytical tools as well as our knowledge base at your disposal. For our Publishing clients, we provide UA funding and a team of experts to help optimize UA, monetization, ASO, product metrics, and working with creatives. You also keep all intellectual property rights and the possibility to carry out user acquisition on your own. In return, we only take a small share of the revenue you get from our profitable UA cohorts.

What Apps Can Participate?

Any free apps with ad or hybrid monetization model are welcome to participate. Of course, if they are in line with our Terms of Service 🙂

What Resources Do The Partners Get?

All participants are provided with the following resources by default:

  1. Appodeal SDK Full Package with mediation and analytics, MMP attribution and Firebase.
  2. Appodeal Business Intelligence for analyzing product, monetization and UA metrics from a single dashboard. Besides the current data, there are forecast metrics available.
  3. UA management (launching and managing UA campaigns) right from our dashboard, and bid automation.

How Is The Revenue Distributed Between The Developer And Appodeal?

Appodeal takes a share of revenue only from profitable cohorts. The amount of share is agreed upon with each developer on a case-by-case basis depending on the app metrics and growth potential.

What Advertising Channels Are Used In The Accelerator?

We recommend making the soft launch via Meta Ads. We think it is suitable for evaluation of the product metrics and growth potential for most apps while being the most affordable way to do so. For our Publishing clients, our team develops an individual strategy using different UA sources including AppGrowth, our own unique UA source.

What Is The Typical UA Funding For A Game Selected For Your Program?

If you qualify for Appodeal Publishing, the amount of the investment will depend on your app’s metrics and growth potential. We don't have a minimum threshold, as we always grow budgets for successful projects. Currently, the total UA fund for the successful accelerator projects is $50 million.

What Is The Accelerator Program Roadmap?

You can find our roadmap here.

How Do I Contact The Accelerator Team?

You can always reach out to our Accelerator team via email

Can I Apply With An Alpha Or Beta Version Of My Game?

To be able to work with us and make a successful soft launch, you must make sure your app is available to all users in any country.

Are There Any Language Or Localization Requirements?

Your app must support English. It can also support any other language.

Do I Need To Prepare My Own Creatives For The Soft Launch?

Yes, for the initial test you need to prepare your own creatives. To make this process easier and help you achieve the best possible results, we have prepared a detailed guide for preparing ad creatives.

My Application Was Not Accepted For Appodeal Publishing. What Should I Do Next?

We do our best to provide you with detailed feedback after the test, specifically which metrics need to be improved and how this can be done.

How Long Does It Take To Integrate Appodeal SDK?

Normally, it takes no more than 2-3 days. If you have any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact our team via email

What Platforms Are Supported By Appodeal SDK?

Native Android, Native iOS, Unity, React Native and Flutter.

Why Do I Need To Integrate Appodeal SDK?

Our SDK has everything necessary for successful product growth and metric evaluation: Adjust/AppsFlyer for traffic attribution, Appodeal for monetization and product metric measurement, and Firebase for additional analytics and using remote A/B testing configurations. Our package not only allows you to run a successful soft launch, but also provides everything you need for future product growth.